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Vancouver-East Campaign - Mayoral Campaign

E-Mail To The VPD


To: vpd at vpd.ca
Subject: You took my knee out, gave me PTSD, daily pains every step, and my
liberty hangs by a string.
Cc: pss at vpd.ca,info at opcc.bc.ca

2001 Around this time, cops came in without a warrant (needed then), while I was
trying to make a private sector living. Used my aunt as a pretence to invade
my home in 217-2255 Pandora (at the time).
While I was confirming with the non-emergency number as to their right to be there,
the officers and their EMT people attacked me as MHTs watched.
I had no criminal record, so for what ever their reasons, they knew they couldn’t take
me to a court, especially afterward limping in agony.
Knee partly healed and degraded greatly year by year.
I never got an apology. A Private Psychiatrist, late Leonard Gribble, agreed to my sanity.
My anxiety and hyper vigilance came after. Walking is agonizing, step by step, worse each year.
Even worse, weather like recent, wet and cold.


If not bad enough in 2002, Saturday of Ash Wednessday, I a Confirmed Catholic, was attacked by cops,
yes running after seeing them out the door, why wouldn’t I? Holy Rosary was a legit refuge, well if I
were an illegal Alien I guess. I had a blunted Napalese demonslayer knife, a gift from my Mother.
Cnstbl Chalmers stole, well went missing. Found out later any knife they claim is visible or even
shows a clip or handle is legal.
No one in the press, City, or Police cared. Left or Right. No representative. Minister Hansen, the exception,
having cutting funding to Car 87 with
each complaint I made to his office. After each incident.
In 2002 they couldn’t take me to court, you see. I also showed mortal fear of going back, which made
them delighted to take me after
Dog piling ,me in the Church. Unusually fast response as well.


I try to get on the ballot, not often failed, and campaign. It’s a million times harder, it
hurts each step, it’s worse each time, and the bad weather doesn’t help. My Liberty,it
was totally lost or limited. Limited if I make the ballot, exhausting campaign
not many trying to help me. Even on a healthy knee it would be a tough, well
maybe because of psychology inflicted as a result of what you did.

I am asked why I never sued. It was a conflict of tax payers suffering more vs
my anger. I thought you’d at least be made to feel shame by the press.
You should shove that George Floyd stuff where the sun doesn’t shine, you don’t
care about these things. Never did.

Physical agony and a feeling of uselessness following it. This is what you’ve done.
For nearly 20 years.


Gölök Z Buday

In case you want to print and share: Authorized by Gölök Z Buday, financial agent/Candidate, 604-374-6307

Categories Ballot Access, Ballot Choice

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